Do you find yourself yearning for God? Has your desire to go to Mass and to receive the Eucharist grown stronger of late? Is God beginning to fill your thoughts throughout your entire day? If your answer to one or more of these questions is “yes”, then God is calling you into a deeper and more fulfilling relationship with Him. Answer His call by filling your day with time spent quietly reflecting on the Lord. Spend time talking with Him but also listening to what He is asking of you, perhaps go to Eucharistic Adoration and sit in His Eucharistic presence. 

Jesus yearns to be in union with souls. “I desire to unite Myself with human souls; My great delight is to unite Myself with souls. Know, My daughter, that when I come to a human heart in Holy Communion, My hands are full of all kinds of graces which I want to give to the soul…” (Jesus to St Faustina, Divine Mercy in My Soul, diary entry 1385.)

The gifts God has to offer us are far greater than our human understanding. To reach that oneness with God through prayer, is one of the most powerful experiences we can have while on Earth and is a forbearer for what we are going to experience in Paradise with Him. 

To be able to understand the soul of God one needs to be lifted into a state of ecstasy, in which one exists within God. This is a state of prayer beyond the world and into the realm of Heaven. For many who have been “Slain in the Spirit”, this is the closest way to describe this feeling of peace within the Holy Spirit of God. When one is lifted into this state of being, prayer does not consist of words but of “resting” in the presence of God, as one’s spirit lifts itself in praise of the Almighty. 

Several times, after receiving the Holy Eucharist, I have begun to experience this lifted state of grace. I begin to pray and then I am instantly transported into God’s presence. Aware of my surroundings, but with my eyes tightly closed, my entire mind shuts off from everything worldly. It’s not that I cannot open my eyes, but that I am unwilling to do so as this would take me away from the presence of God in which I am basking. During this state of ecstasy, I feel like I am in a cone of direct communication between Jesus and myself, and in that moment everything else that exists outside of His presence pales in comparison. Each day, I find myself yearning for that special time with God. 

This oneness with God is what He means when He describes union with Him. It is a grace given by God when we yearn for Him and take time to focus on Him with complete trust and surrender. It is available to all of us and is God’s greatest delight for each of us, an opportunity for Him to pour out His graces upon us. 

Judith Weible

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